CA DMV: Express Real ID
Step-by-step guide

Completing your REAL ID can be fast, easy, and stress-free with AAA. Before heading to a participating branch, read our step-by-step guide and start the process. Complete your application online, upload the necessary documents, and if needed, pay the required fee. Once prompted via email, schedule your appointment at a participating AAA branch, and bring your confirmation code and the original uploaded documents.
Section 1
Getting started
Bring documents from #1 and #2. (DMV does not keep your original documents.) - Fill out the online application, upload documents, and if eligible, make your appointment to visit a AAA branch to complete the REAL ID process.
1. Identity document (original or certified copy only) One document is required from the list below.
- Unexpired U.S. passport or passport card
- Birth certificate from a U.S. state or U.S. territory (abbreviated or abstract certificates not accepted)
- U.S. certificate or consular report of birth abroad
- Unexpired foreign passport with valid U.S. visa and approved I-94 form
- Certificate of naturalization or citizenship
- Valid, unexpired Permanent Resident Card
- Unexpired employment authorization document (EAD) Card (I-766) or valid/expired EAD Card with Notice of Action (I-797 C)
- Unexpired Permanent Resident Card or valid/expired Permanent Resident Card with Notice of Action (I-797 C) or Approval Notice (I-797)
- Unexpired foreign passport stamped “Processed for I-551”
- Documents reflecting Temporary Protected Status (TPS) benefit eligibility
Certified legal document supporting name change, if applicable If the name on your identity document is different than your current name you must bring a document with the new name.
NOTE: Multiple name change documents are needed if your name has changed multiple times.
- Certified marriage certificate
- Court-filed adoption documents with the new name as a result of the adoption
- A court-certified name change document
- Domestic partnership documents (certificate declaration or registration)
- A certified dissolution of marriage/domestic partnership document with new name
2. Proof of California residency (copies accepted, printed documents required)
Two documents are required from the list below. To complete the REAL ID application process, you will need to make an appointment at a participating AAA branch and bring your original documents.
- Home utility bills (including cellular phone)
- Medical documents
- Car or boat registration
- Employment documents
- Insurance documents
- Bank and financial institution records
- Change of address confirmation by the U.S. Postal Service
- Mortgage bill
- Rental or lease agreement (signed by owner and tenant)
- IRS or California FTB tax return
- A document issued by a government agency (local, state, or federal — including letters from DMV voter registration confirmation letter or postcard
- Deed or title to residential real property, property tax bill or statement, original copy of an approved claim for Homeowners’ Property Tax Exemption (BOE-266) form filed with a local California County Assessor
- School documents (includes date of birth), proof of payment of resident tuition at a public institution of higher education in California
- A No Fee Identification Card Eligibility Verification (DL 933) form, completed and signed
- A letter on letterhead from a homeless shelter, a shelter for abused women, a nonprofit entity, a faith-based organization, an employer or government within the United States attesting that the applicant resides in California
- Proof of payment of resident tuition
- Agency: Group Home Agreement (Form SOC 154), Foster Family Agency Agreement – Child Placed by Agency in Foster Family Agency (Form SOC 154A), or Foster Parent Agreement – Child Placed by Agency in Foster Home (Form SOC 156)
Use a PO Box?
Proof of a physical address is required. A PO Box can be used as the mailing address to receive your REAL ID, but one of your residency documents must display a PO Box and physical address.
What if I do not have one of the above residency documents?
You can use a relative’s (parent, child, spouse/domestic partner) residency document if you live at the same address and provide a document (such as a birth or marriage certificate) that shows that relationship.
3. Social Security Number (exceptions may apply)
Provide Social Security Number on your REAL ID application.
Section 2
Online DMV step-by-step process
REAL ID processing at a AAA branch is available for eligible members who are applying for REAL ID for the first time or renewing their driver’s license (DL) and applying for REAL ID (ID).
Do not use this process if your driver’s license expires within two weeks, a temporary license will not be issued!
• Veteran status CANNOT be added to the ID/DL
• Medical conditions CANNOT be present on the ID/DL
• Reduced/no fee CANNOT be requested
Google Chrome is the recommended browser - do not use Internet Explorer!
Step 1: eDL44 Application process
- Complete the driver's license/identification card (DL/ID) application online at or use the “Quick link”
- Select the “language” for the application
- Select “ID or driver's license” (Select the document you’re renewing or converting)
- Read and “Agree” to terms
- “Create or sign in” with your or CA DMV account
- Follow screen prompts, experience may vary by user
- Select “ID or drivers license”
- Complete your “Personal information”
- “What would you like to do today” screen (REQUIRED FIELD to visit AAA)
- Select “Renew a card” if you are eligible for renewal. Typically, within 60 days of your birthday OR…
- Select “Correct or update a card” if your ID/drivers license is not up for renewal and you’re only converting to REAL ID
- Select “ID or drivers license"
- Enter your DL/ID # and expiration date (REQUIRED FIELDS to visit AAA)
- If “Renewing a card” skip to next bullet
- For “Correct or update a card,” select “Update”
- Select “Something else”
- “Enter your update below,” type in “Apply for REAL ID”
- “Do you plan on using your drivers license to fly?”, select “Yes”
- Continue completing the application answering questions accordingly
- Ensure all information entered is correct at the review info screen
- Click “Submit”
- “Applying for a REAL ID for the first time?” select “Yes” (REQUIRED FIELD to visit AAA)
- Select a CA DMV field office within 30 miles of the AAA branch you would like to visit
- Note: Option to make an appointment at a participating AAA branch will come later in the process, if eligible.
- “Would you like to participate?”, select “Yes”
- Upon completion of the application, you’ll be re-directed to upload your required documents (See Section 1 "Getting Started" #1 and #2 for guidance)
- Upload your required documents
- Documents will attempt to be verified by the automated process
Note: If uploaded document(s) cannot be verified, you will receive a status email with instructions. You may need to upload a different required document or wait 2-3 days for the required verification to be completed by a DMV representative. - Once your documents have been approved, by either the automated process or required verification by a DMV rep, you must click on “Submit to the DMV.” If you are notified via email of the verification process being complete, follow the link in your email to log in to your DMV account and click “Submit to the DMV.”
- Documents will attempt to be verified by the automated process
- An 8-digit confirmation code will be generated on screen and emailed to you.
- Note: You’ll need to present your confirmation code at your appointment at AAA, it is required.
- When you receive the confirmation email with a GREEN GO sign, if eligible, the option is to make an appointment at a participating AAA branch will appear here (See below)
- Note: If you’re NOT eligible to complete the REAL ID process at a AAA branch, you will not receive the option to make an appointment at AAA. Ineligibility reasons may vary - you must complete the REAL ID process at a CA DMV field office.
- If you receive an email WITHOUT a GREEN GO sign, DO NOT proceed - Wait until you receive an email with the GREEN GO sign

Step 2: Appointment & payment process
- Click on the “AAA appointment” button on the confirmation page to schedule your appointment at a AAA branch to complete your REAL ID application
- Arrive at the “Mobile REAL ID appointments” page
- Click on the “Get started” button

- “Click” on the AAA branch you’d like to visit from the list provided
- Arrive at the “Next available appointment” page
- Note: System will offer first available appointment
- Click “Confirm your reservation” if the offered time and date is acceptable
- If you prefer a different date and time, click “Choose a different reservation”
- Calendar will appear, available dates and times for this service will vary by AAA branch

- When you arrive at the “Appointment details” page, your appointment process is complete
- You will receive TWO emails. One with appointment details and another with next steps:
- From:
- From:
- Please check your spam and junk folders, if necessary

- Members may qualify for the CA DMV’s free REAL ID Conversion. Visit for details. Members who qualify will not receive a “Payment Request” email
- If payment is required, you’ll receive an email from with a “Payment request” (REQUIRED FIELD to visit AAA)
- Click on the “Click here to pay” link at the bottom of the email
- We recommend using Google Chrome, may not work with Internet Explorer

- Arrive at the “DMV payment portal”
- “Click to pay”

- Click “Proceed to checkout”
- You’ll be redirected to a third-party payment provider used by the CA DMV

- Complete your payment method
- Receive “Payment successful” when payment is complete (this is your payment receipt)
- There is an option to print, email, or text a copy of the receipt
- Click "Close”

Please remember to bring your uploaded required documents, payment receipt, and 8-digit confirmation code to your appointment at your AAA branch.